Milena Olivares

LLB from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, mayor on Labour Law and social security, and is currently part of the Diploma Program on Cooperative Management and Social Economy taught by CIESCOOP and USACH.

She has completed several courses on Labor update taught by the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, and on Sustainability and Social Economies from the University of Chile, as well as the Moral foundations of politics course, from the University of Yael.

She has dedicated her professional practice both in the private and public spheres, as a trial and corporate individual and collective labor law; and in filling administrative cases before public bodies such as the Comptroller's Office, Municipalities and Superintendencies.

In the academic field, she served as assistant to the chairs of History of Law and Philosophy of Education at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and in the Optional Deepening of Cooperatives at the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez; and her participation in the development of the winning course in Academia B, of Sistema B Chile "Embarcándonos en Empresas B 2017" together with Derecho Innova UC.

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